Category Nature

the little fish: a modern fable

There once was a little fish. The fish lived in a tank with a bunch of other fish, happily swimming around in the water. She breathed through the water, got her nourishment through it, moved around in it, even slept… Continue Reading →

a delightful dilemma

I tend to be an accidental gardener. If anything grows in my yard, it’s by pure serendipity. Somebody planted azaleas and camellias decades ago . . . Wisteria appears magically every year . . . A jack-o-lantern carved out back… Continue Reading →

for susan, with love

For the past year or so, every conversation I had with my friend Susan Shaffer started something like this: “Hey, Margaret… when are you coming paddle boarding with me?” “Soon, I hope. I really want to, but…” This is my… Continue Reading →

what i got out of ‘get out’

I recently did something completely decadent and absolutely satisfying. I took myself to the movies at 11:45 on a Wednesday morning. That’s right – smack in the middle of the work day and the work week, I snuck off to the Plaza Stadium Theatre… Continue Reading →

on matthew, conroy, and other forces of nature

For this issue, I had planned to write about A Lowcountry Heart, the wondrous new collection of essays by the late Pat Conroy. (After almost six months, that phrase still looks outrageous to me in print. “The late Pat Conroy.”… Continue Reading →

odd birds

Have I mentioned that I like birds? Yes, that was sarcasm. And unlike Donald Trump, I understand the meaning of the word. I’m well aware I’ve written about birds here. Ad nauseam. (Your nauseam, not mine. I could go on… Continue Reading →

miracles, signs & wonders

Miracles, signs and wonders abound, y’all. About a year ago, my friend Gam Foster asked me to give a talk about writing to a group of school teachers . . . many of whom teach writing to kids. I know… Continue Reading →

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