There once was a little fish. The fish lived in a tank with a bunch of other fish, happily swimming around in the water. She breathed through the water, got her nourishment through it, moved around in it, even slept in it. The water was everywhere, but it was invisible, so the little fish never even noticed it. The water simply was.

The fish heard tell that outside the tank there was something called “air.” The air was more than a rumor. More than a legend, even. The air was a mysterious frontier. The fish had never been there, but she knew that air was bad.  Everybody said so. You couldn’t live in the alien place called air. It would kill you.

One day, the little fish noticed something floating through the tank, something tiny and round… and there were others like it trailing behind. One of the older, wiser fish told her this little something was called a “bubble.” He said the bubble was made of air. “But wait,” thought the little fish. “If there are tiny bits of air in this tank, maybe it’s not that bad after all. Maybe I don’t really understand air.” The little fish was the curious type.

So she decided to learn more about the air. Instead of just happily swimming around in her tank, the little fish now spent hours every day peering through the glass at the place they called “air,” and she saw that there were creatures living there. She saw a fluffy creature that meowed and a furry creature that barked. The creatures seemed happy and healthy in the air, and not bad at all.

There was a very large creature living in the air, too – a creature so large he cast a shadow over the tank when he approached it. At first the little fish was deeply afraid of this creature, but soon enough she discovered something amazing. She discovered that the large creature living in the air was dropping food into her tank. The large creature of the air was actually caring for the fish.

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Had it always been this way? Why hadn’t anyone told her? Had the other fish been lying to her, or were they simply deceived about the air and its creatures? The little fish felt confused and bamboozled and she yearned to know more! So she kept up her studies. And the more the fish observed the air and its creatures, the more she began to understand the world. Some creatures lived in the water, but they still needed air. Other creatures lived in the air, but they still needed water. Both air and water were good! And so were all the creatures. The air creatures and water creatures were different in some important ways, but the same in other important ways, and none of them were bad creatures. They all needed water and air. They even needed each other.

The little fish was excited by her newfound knowledge and couldn’t wait to share it with her fish friends in the tank! But when she tried, they didn’t believe her. They were fearful of the creatures in the air – and of the air, itself – and nothing the little fish said moved them. She tried to tell them about the water in the tank – how it was everywhere, but invisible . . . how even though they couldn’t see it, they saw everything through it. She told them the air creatures didn’t notice the air, either. For them, the air just was– invisible, but coloring everything. Still, her fish friends didn’t understand. They didn’t like it when the little fish said nice things about the air and its creatures, and they became angry. Finally, they became so angry with the little fish that they threw her out of the tank, where she flipped and flopped and sputtered until the largest air creature scooped her up and put her in her own little bowl of water. The fish was lucky that the large creature found her first… though she didn’t understand that at the time.

The fish still lives alone in her bowl, and the air creatures are very kind, but they are creatures of the air and there will always be glass between them… and other things, too. The cat is a bit cold and aloof, and the dog is a bit rowdy and loud, and they don’t quite understand what it’s like to live in water – the flux and flow of it, the dreaminess and shimmer. Most of all, they aren’t fish. The little fish is happy enough in her little bowl – she truly loves her friends of the air – but sometimes she feels lonely and misunderstood and she misses the fish friends she left behind. She is, after all, still a creature of water.